Saturday, July 3, 2021

What can we learn from our patients

One of the most important perks of our job as Family Docs is the “free life lessons” taught to us by our patients, especially those from the dying. Often these are learnt by “osmosis” or reflections.

I wonder what are yours?
Here’s mine.

1. Try to live life without regrets.

2. Look after our relationships. That’s the most meaningful “currency”.

3. Life is short. Live life truer to self.

4. Learn how to let go of the things we cannot change. Learn how to forgive others and self. Learn how to accept. Practice it earlier in life.

5. Lots of money is probably not the best determinant for inner harmony or happiness.

6. Ownership or a strong attachment to things can lead to a strong fear of loss. Consider holding it more lightly. Cultivate the idea that everything we own is “on lease” rather than “it’s ours” perhaps. It allows us to “play the game of life”, but not holding onto “things” too tightly.

7. Love, care and compassion can be more compelling feelings than fear.  Activate those values/feelings more often. 

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