Friday, October 25, 2024

Finding the multiple Venn’s in one’s life

In the context of psychotherapy and coaching for often “successful folks” in finding “balance” in their lives, these are the main “zoom out” patterns that we can see.

The challenge is to find the “Venn diagram” for many key things in one’s life and also in one’s mind. Here is a brief summary and I wonder if you can relate…..

1. The Venn Diagram for your “outer success” vs your “inner success”.

2. The Venn for making others happy with outer harmony vs our own happiness and inner harmony.

3. The Venn for our own values and beliefs vs our partner’s/family’s values and beliefs.

4. The Venn for our thinking mind vs our feeling mind.

5. The Venn for literal truth vs social truth.

6. The Venn for following your heart/feelings/authenticity vs workability

7. The Venn for doing what is workable vs staying true to self/being authentic

I suspect that there are many more Venns that one has to find throughout life and if we don’t, an “emotional debt” will arise and accumulate, which may then lead to an “emotional bankruptcy” at some point if neglected.

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